Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday February 20, 2015

Blog Post of the Day:

I think that the current curriculum is fairly effective in preparing us for life. As I plan on continuing my education through college, I am contented to take the classes I do now which make me a more well rounded person, a renaissance education. If anything I wish that there was less pressure to take "required" courses and more of a freedom to take a couple classes per semester that expanded our horizons to discover what subjects interested us. I would likely be more applied in my classes if I chose them for the sole purpose of learning. If anything, I would not change the classes that I have taken, but rather the style in which the curriculum was taught. I don't need tests and mandatory homework; if anything, that just lowers the amount that I will learn as I will lose all enthusiasm for learning. If I could take classes that I found interesting, only to learn, I would be much more successful in actually learning in those classes. Having said that, I understand why the requirements exist, I just wish that there was more of a freedom to learn about interesting things, not just taking Phys Ed, tech, and arts classes because it is mandatory. Instead make the elective classes completely up to the student. Additionally, there should be less pressure from colleges to take certain classes and completely fill a resume with exclusively rigorous courses because it prohibits the students from following their interests and discovering what career types would be the best fit for them.

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